Betty hosted the September 5 meeting of the Knotty Ladies. The group decided not to participate in the EPWC Members Market since our treasury seems to be adequate. It was announced that Carol Kuehnert and Linda Riddle have dropped their membership in EPWC making them ineligible to continue in the Knotty Ladies group. We will miss them. Our group has received a bag full of baby flannel from another group that does not make and donate baby quilts. Bonnie took that bag and will see what she can make from it. Dora has offered to do the quilting on our soldier quilt when she can find the time. Meridel read an email from Dixie Adeniran of Arroyo Grande, CA, whose home was destroyed in the Thomas Fire last December. Dixie had received a quilt with our Knotty Ladies name on the box and she wanted to thank the person who had donated it. Meridel communicated with her and learned that someone who received fabric donated by our Knotty Ladies had made the quilt and sent it to Dixie. With that as our inspiration we decided to make a comfort quilt and donate it to a victim of one of our Oregon fires. Meridel will distribute a piece of anchor fabric to each quilter at the October meeting. As usual, the show and tell was awesome.
The next meeting will be held at Carol Kato’s home on October 3, 2018.