The Piecemakers met again in February via Zoom. The pandemic continues but at least we have Zoom! We discussed Linda’s idea of planning a quilt show. Planning anything right now is challenging due to COVID but we are in discussions anyway. Several of us shared our latest projects.
Linda shared a couple of her beautiful embroidery projects and also the adorable label she made for “Stitchers Garden” quilt. Labeling your quilts is always a good idea. Check out the pictures.
Elaine shared her finished pillow top using the alternate Cathedral Window pattern. She also made a nine patch pillow top. New pillows for the guest bedroom!
Terry and Rosenelle also shared their newly started projects. Pictures will follow in a future report.
We are hoping for warmer weather in March so we can meet in person, outdoors.
Elaine Slate
Piecemakers’ Reporter
Your group sounds terrific! I am Dee D’Haem and I do quilting.
Hi Dee,
If you live in Eagle Point, please feel free to contact us to find out about joining this quilting group.