Couples 3-13 on August 20th was hosted at the homes of Kristine & Martin Frey, Ruth & Chuck Jenks and Lorissa & Roger Nichols. Good food, great conversation and lively 3-13 games were enjoyed by all.
Winners at the Freys were Dotti Swain (31), host Martin Frey (56), Marilyn Westrum (59), Diane Sproat (62) and hostess Kristine Frey (71); biggest loser award went to Nancy Erickson (163). Over at the Nichols the low scorer was Virginia Felker (54), Susan Watson (64), hostess Lori Nichols (87) and Lonnie Lawson (96) with high score going to Teresa Allen (173). Lynn Baker, Paul Lingren, Joyce Lingren and Jerry Close were in the money with Wayne Breithaupt’s score topping everyone else.
We have 3 more gatherings for the year and then there will be a request asking for volunteer hostesses to fill the 2023 calendar. With as many couples that are interested in this group, a party in 3 homes each month between January and November has been the norm. If you and your partner are interested in joining this activity group please contact Aleli Lawson.