Couples 3-13 was held October 15th at the homes of Betsy & Wolfgang Hase, Kris & Steve Howard and Joyce & Paul Lingren. After social visiting and yummy dinners, lively 3-13 games were played. Money winners at the Hase’s were Wolfgang Hase, Bill Sproat, Doug Felker, and Virginia Felker with Betsy Hase posting the high score. Bernie Quiring, Steve Howard, Lonnie Lawson, Charlie Allen and Susan Watson were low score winners and Connie Quiring had the high score at the Howard’s. At the Lingren’s home Mike Smith, Kathy Nabozny, Joyce Lingren and Bruce Harter posted low scores with Sharyn Closer having the high score. We’ll have one more Couples 3-13 gathering in November, and December will be dark in lieu of the EPWC Christmas Party on December 3. The group will start back up in January 2023 on the third Saturday night of each month. If you are interested in joining this fun activity group with your partner please contact Aleli Lawson.