Piecemakers Quilting Group

About Piecemakers Quilting Group

Chair: Linda Greenstone


Regular Schedule: First Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm

This group meets monthly on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm at the Ashpole Community Center. The group shares knowledge and ideas and works on personal quilting projects. Quilting skills are required to participate. New members are welcome.

Piecemakers Quilting Group Stories

bald eagle in nature during fall

Piecemakers Change

bald eagle in nature during fall

Change of location for Piecemakers April meeting.

Basting the Star Log Cabin opportunity quilt.

Piecemakers March Meeting

Betty's quilted bag

Piecemakers January Meeting

Colorado Log Cabin Star Quilt

August 2016 Piecemakers


February 2016 Piecemakers Group


January 2016 Piecemakers

Log Cabin Star Opportunity Quilt

November’s Piecemakers Meeting

bald eagle in nature during fall

March 2015 Piecemakers Meeting

bald eagle in nature during fall

Piecemakers Meeting


Knotty Ladies November Report

Raffle quilt with Piecemakers members Terry Sheldon and Elaine Slate

Raffle Quilt Winner Selected

There's No Place Like Home

August 2014 Piecemakers Prepare Raffle Quilt

Setting up the quilt frame

Knotty Ladies May Activities


Knotty Ladies March Report

bald eagle in nature during fall

January 8–Piecemakers


Piecemakers December Report


Knotty Ladies December Report

Mary with completed flying geese blocks.

Piecemaker Meeting Notes for November 6

Janet Siedlecki, Mary Birrell, Joan Devlin, Terry Sheldon, Elaine Slate, and Betty Clement

New Quilt Group Formed