EPWC Culinary NEWS!
Participants in the EPWC Culinary Arts are going to learn more about foods and increase their cooking skills by referring to the work of food experts who have written cookbooks. Today cookbooks offer an abundance of information about food preparation techniques and tips that will enhance our dishes.
We are going to meet every other month on the second Thursday. We will use a different cookbook, and have a different topic, at each meeting. The time of day of the meeting will vary by the topic of the cookbook.
The next six EPWC Culinary meetings will be:
October 9th at Joan Koffarnus,
December 11 Viki Brown,
February 12 Jan Griffin,
April 9 Marsha Liekkio.
June is available.
We are meeting August 14, noon, at Carolyn Stieber‘s.
The cookbook we are using is Salad as a Meal by Patricia Wells. Patricia Wells is a well-known author who uses techniques and a cooking style she perfected in France. Participants for this event are to bring a salad that is made using a recipe from her book or from her internet source. Participants are also encouraged to use local, fresh ingredients, if possible.
Space is limited to eleven participants. A waiting list will be available. Respond to Carolyn Stieber, aloe999@aol.com.