76 women gathered at the Rogue Valley Country Club on a sunny winter day to enjoy good company, wonderful food and a fascinating program. Leta Lovelace Neiderheiser, author of "Jesse Applegate: A Dialogue with Destiny" was our speaker who played the role of Cynthia Applegate, wife of Jesse Applegate. Leta is a great, great granddaughter of Jesse Applegate and she has done extensive research on the life of Jesse and his family and their trip from Missouri to Oregon on the Oregon Trail in the 1840's. Jesse led the wagon train and is an important figure in Oregon history for developing the Applegate Trail and many other accomplishments. The stories were spellbinding and everyone learned some Oregon history that they didn't know. Leta's book is available at the library and also on Amazon. We welcomed two new members to the group who were attending the luncheon as guests: Teresa Allen and Sofie Goncalves. It is hard to go wrong with a lunch buffet featuring chicken picata, lemon risotto, roasted asparagus, garden salad, fresh fruit and chocolate mousse. Birthdays were celebrated and the amazing hot air balloon centerpieces shared with members through a drawing. Lots of activities to sign up for and friends to catch up with. Thanks to Annette Godfrey for the centerpieces, Trudi Eyraud for the program and Maxine Williams for coordinating the luncheon. See you in April.
I’am new to Eagle Point Oregon, just over a year now. I enjoyed the talk about Jessy Applegate and the treck to Oregon. I would like to see more of this as it helps me to know the area.