Kris Howard, the queen of Halloween, hosted 25 EPWC members for October Sip and Dip. Kris is famous for her elaborate Halloween decorating in her home and her guests helped out by dressing up as a variety of crazy characters. Appetizers also had a Halloween theme with pumpkin-shaped cheese balls, a Frankenstein guacamole mold with black chips, tarantula deviled eggs and lots of other fun goodies. It was a beautiful day so we were able to spill out onto the patio and enjoy the golf course view and the cozy fire pit. We all participated in a Halloween song trivia game and remembered more than we imagined about those old tunes. Good wine and relaxed socializing rounded out the afternoon. Thanks to Kris for the great gathering and to all the guests for the wine, goodies and costumes. We’ll see you next month at the Butte Creek Mill for a special Sip and Dip.