Elaine Slate

Ladies Outing: October 5, 2021 – Art Presence Art Center tour – Cancelled

By Elaine Slate | September 21, 2021

The Ladies Outing group will not be having an October outing after all. We will do this outing in the future, when we know it will be safe. We hope that will be sooner than later but….who knows? I hope everyone continues to stay safe. Elaine Slate Ladies Outings Chair

September 1, 2021 – Piecemakers Meeting – Zoom

By Elaine Slate | September 7, 2021

With the current mask mandates, we decided to meet on Zoom in September. Playing it safe seems like the best plan of action currently, or still! It was fun meeting in person while it lasted but we still enjoyed each other's company over Zoom. We did a show and tell segment and then just chatted […]

Piecemakers July 7, 2021 Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | July 21, 2021

On July 7, 2021, the Piecemakers met at Rosenelle's home for a lesson on making a burrito pillow case. Terry Sheldon was our instructor. We all had a great time ironing, cutting and sewing together. This was the first one Sue had made and she did a beautiful job. We also had a few show […]

Piecemakers June 2, 2021 Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | June 18, 2021

Five of us met at Linda Greenstone's home for our June meeting. It was a show and tell type of meeting. We met on her patio under her beautiful new awning. Well, at least until it got too hot and we got hungry! For the show and tell, we all admired the progress that Rosenelle […]

Piecemakers May 5, 2021 Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | May 12, 2021

Four members of our group met on Cinco de Mayo on Rosenelle's patio. It was a warm day but nice in the shady space. We all had fun sharing our works in progress (WIP's). Rosenelle and Linda have made progress on a French Rose quilt they are making for their friend/hairdresser as a wedding gift. […]

Piecemakers April 6, 2021 Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | April 21, 2021

Five of us met at Tap & Vine for a delightful lunch on a beautiful April spring day. It was wonderful to be able to dine outdoors together. We then headed for Cottage Quilts for a little shopping. This is a tradition we have whenever we dine out. Dine & shop, shop & dine; either […]

Ladies Outings – Announcement: No outing for April 6, 2021

By Elaine Slate | March 22, 2021

There is no outing planned for April 6, 2021. Vaccinations are happening now so I am hopeful that we can put something together for June. Here's to a better 2021! Elaine Slate Ladies Outings Chair

Piecemakers March 3, 2021 Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | March 19, 2021

The Piecemakers took advantage of a warm, sunny day and met on Rosenelle's patio on March 3rd. It was a beautiful day and it was wonderful to be able to meet in person again. Rosenelle, Sue and Elaine shared some lovely projects. Rosenelle showed off three amazing pieces: a beautiful embroidery wall hanging of an […]

Piecemakers February 3, 2021 Zoom Meeting

By Elaine Slate | February 13, 2021

The Piecemakers met again in February via Zoom. The pandemic continues but at least we have Zoom! We discussed Linda’s idea of planning a quilt show. Planning anything right now is challenging due to COVID but we are in discussions anyway. Several of us shared our latest projects. Linda shared a couple of her beautiful […]

Piecemakers January 6, 2021 Zoom Meeting

By Elaine Slate | January 13, 2021

We Piecemakers toasted in the new year as best we could during our Zoom meeting on January 6, 2021. Some of us had projects to share. Terry showed us her "Galaxy" quilt top she just finished. Check out the picture; it is truly gorgeous. Kelly shared two quilts she recently completed, plus exciting news, a […]

Ladies Outings – February 2, 2021 Outing Canceled

By Elaine Slate | January 13, 2021

As I indicated in the January Blast, the February ladies outing is canceled. Touring the Bear Hotel is simply not available to us at the present time. This is an outing we will definitely do again but we will have to wait a bit longer. At least I hope it is just a bit. Let's […]

Piecemakers December 2, 2020 Zoom Meeting

By Elaine Slate | December 20, 2020

The Piecemakers took a "pause" from meeting in person and did a Zoom meeting. We usually do a quilt store shopping and lunch outing in December but opted for adult beverages & Christmassy sweaters over Zoom instead. We made the best of it. Each of us took a turn at showing off our quilt rooms. […]

November 4, 2020 Piecemakers meeting at Rosenelle’s

By Elaine Slate | November 11, 2020

On November 4, five of the Piecemakers met at Rosenelle's for an enjoyable afternoon on the patio. The plan had been to work on our own current projects but the day was too nice to sit inside. We had a fun show & tell time, however. Linda and Rosenelle shared their machine embroidery projects and […]

December 1, 2020 Ladies Outing – Canceled

By Elaine Slate | November 1, 2020

Our annual Christmas shopping/lunch with a group of 15-20 ladies feels like a risky idea, too risky. I am canceling the outing for December. Shopping online for Christmas feels like the safest option for 2020. I am sorry to have to cancel yet another outing but I feel there is really no other choice. I […]

October 2020 Piecemakers meetings report

By Elaine Slate | October 24, 2020

The Piecemakers met on October 7th at Rosenelle's. We enjoyed a nice visit on her patio, admiring the garden. Sue & Kelly were not able to attend and we missed them. We made some plans for 2021 but decided to try to get together for lunch with everyone on October 21st. We met on the […]

September 2, 2020 Piecemakers’ September Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | September 10, 2020

On September 2nd, five of us met at Rosenelle's again. The heat made us stay indoors so we wore our masks and practiced social distancing. We got together to work on our UFO's but we talked more than worked. Terry brought along a blouse she is making. Hopefully she will model it for us next […]

Ladies Outing: October 7, 2020 – Art Presence Art Center tour – Cancelled

By Elaine Slate | August 28, 2020

For our October outing, we were going to have a private opening/tour of the Art Presence Art Center in Jacksonville. Susan Watson was our planner. When she contacted the art center this week, she learned that they are not doing large group events of any kind. They are open, just not for crowds. We are […]

August 19, 2020 – Piecemakers had a lovely meeting on Rosenelle’s patio

By Elaine Slate | August 27, 2020

The Piecemakers met on August 19, 2020. It was a beautiful day on her shady patio with lovely garden views. We all brought some show and tell items and spent our time sharing all of them. Linda and Rosenelle had attended a class on making the Beatle Bags and were quite pleased with them. Sue […]

July 1, 2020 Piecemakers Meeting at Rosenelle’s – Class on Cathedral Window quilt block

By Elaine Slate | July 9, 2020

The masked Piecemakers met at Rosenelle's on July 1 for a lesson on how to make a Cathedral Window Quilt block. Rosenelle was our instructor extraordinaire. She worked very hard to make it easy for us to socially distance ourselves and we wore our masks when appropriate. As always, we had a few show & […]

Ladies Outing: August 4, 2020, tour of Medford Weather Service – CANCELED

By Elaine Slate | June 23, 2020

The Ladies Outing for August 4, 2020 was going to be a tour of the Medford Weather Service. Due to COVID 19, I made the decision to cancel the outing because there was no way to do it without putting us at risk. As it turns out, the weather service is not allowing visitors now […]

June 3, 2020 Piecemakers meet at Rosenelle’s – Quilt hanging sleeve lesson and more!

By Elaine Slate | June 10, 2020

On June 3, 2020, the Piecemakers enjoyed a wonderful time on Rosenelle’s shady patio enjoying the view of her amazing garden. What a setting! Rosenelle’s dog kept us company (and got into some of the pictures). We love Bo. Linda Greenstone had prepared a review lesson on making a hanging sleeve. She reviewed the various […]

May 8, 2020 – Piecemakers Meeting at Kelly’s – Fabric Dyeing Lesson

By Elaine Slate | May 18, 2020

On Friday, May 8, 2020, the Piecemakers met in the backyard of Kelly's home. Zoom meetings are fun but we missed seeing each other and had a plan to practice safe social distancing. Kelly Leatherwood voluteered to teach us how to dye fabric. With a huge backyard, she was able to place tables out in […]

April 1, 2020 Piecemakers Virtual Meeting with Zoom

By Elaine Slate | April 4, 2020

The Piecemakers met on April 1st over Zoom. The need to practice social distancing came first but we all really wanted to meet. Our fearless leader, Rosenelle, helped us all learn how to join a meeting by sharing you tube videos with us. Easy peasy! We had a great time sharing our current & completed […]

March 4, 2020 Piecemakers enjoyed a fun meeting with lots of sharing

By Elaine Slate | March 7, 2020

The Piecemakers met at Rosenelle's home. We shared information about washing quilts, pre-washing fabric (to do or not to do?) and had a fun show and tell time as well. Linda Greenstone showed off some adorable boxes with bows, a small purse & scissor holders she and her friend Kellie made. Rosenelle showed off some […]

February 21, 2020 Hiking Group enjoyed a wonderful hike in the Takelma Recreation area

By Elaine Slate | March 7, 2020

Six happy hikers enjoyed a beautiful day hiking on the Rogue River Trail in the Takelma Recreation area with constant views of Lost Creek Lake. We had a picnic lunch in a campground at a site located right next to the lake. We could not have asked for a more perfect day. If you are […]

February 4, 2020 – Ladies Outing: Historical Quilt & Genealogy Talk & Lunch at Luna Mexican Cafe

By Elaine Slate | February 8, 2020

Eighteen ladies attended the February ladies outing at Jackson County Genealogy Library. One of the programs offered at the library is their wonderful Quilt & Genealogy Talks. They offer these talks on the fourth Tuesday each month. Planner Bonnie Scriba was able to arrange a special quilt talk for our outing. Anne Billeter gave the […]

February 5, 2020 Piecemakers Annual “Christmas” Shopping & Lunch Report

By Elaine Slate | February 8, 2020

Five members of the Piecemakers attended our annual Christmas event. Unfortunately we had to postpone the Christmas Shopping & Lunch until February. We changed the location to Ashland this year. We had a lovely lunch at the Brickroom; everything was delicious. We then shopped at a wonderful quilt store, Sew Creative, as well as as […]

Piecemakers January 2020 Meeting

By Elaine Slate | January 18, 2020

On January 15th we had a very productive planning meeting, hosted by Linda Greenstone. The 2020 schedule was planned. Our February 5, 2020 meeting will be a shopping/lunch trip to Ashland. We bounced around a couple of ideas for lunch and decided on Brickman’s. When scheduling we tried to keep a balance between structure and […]

January 7, 2020 Ladies Outings Annual Planning Meeting Minutes/2020 Schedule of Outings

By Elaine Slate | January 18, 2020

We had a big turnout for our annual planning meeting on January 7, 2020, with 17 ladies in attendance. It is clear that we ladies love our outings, even if it is just a meeting to plan them! We discussed the various options for outings in 2020 and February 2021. The 2020 schedule of each […]

February 4, 2020 – Ladies Outing: Historical Quilt & Genealogy Talk & Lunch at Luna Mexican Cafe

By Elaine Slate | January 18, 2020

It is time to announce our February outing. Bonnie Scriba is the outing planner for this one. A big thank you to her for coming up with a great idea when our original plan did not pan out. On Tuesday, February 4, 2020, we will be going to the Jackson County Genealogy Library for a […]