Current membership chair of the EPWC. I am a retired registered nurse. I am an avid cyclist, hiker and cross country skier. I am the current president of the Eagle Point Friends of the Library and the coordinator of the EPWC Culinary Arts group.
9 EPWC members turned out for bowling in March including new member, Debbie Vogel. Welcome, Debbie. Since our Feb. bowling outing was cancelled due to snow, it took a few rolls of the ball to ge back on track. Teresa Allen scored a "turkey" (3 strikes in a row) in the second game for the […]
Dianne Mihocko opened her home to 22 guests to enjoy a late afternoon gathering of wine, food and conversation at February, 2025, Sip and Dip. The room was bright with pretty red tops and pants and some welcome sunshine. This group celebrated its 3rd anniversary in January and has continued to be well-attended. When the […]
The EPWC Board will meet on March 3, 2025 at 9:30 am at the home of Liz Crossman. Members are always welcome to attend. Topics of discussion will include incorporation of the Club as a 501c7 non-profit, plans for the 20th anniversary celebration and updates on activity groups and luncheons.
We started the new year off with a theme of black and gold and that brought out lots of jewelry, sparkly tops and shimmering scarves to brighten up a cold, gray day. Sandi Smith was host for this month and unfortunately she had a bad cold so could not attend. She did provide all of […]
Thanks to Lori Miles and Brigitte Lemmerman for the great photos in the two posts of December, 2024, Sip and Dip. Lots of smiles and holiday spirit on display.
32 EPWC members donned their favorite holiday sweaters and tops and gathered in the great room at the Butte Creek Mill for some wine, food and merriment. Becky Newell, host for the gathering, brought along a very jolly Santa Claus who doubled as a bartender. Some guests got in a little holiday shopping at the […]
It was a cool, rainy day for the November meeting of the Culinary Arts group at the home of Viki Brown with Gerene Leffingwell serving as co-host. Vike had done a cruise in the South Pacific in January, so that is how the theme was chosen. Some pareos (bright-colored, patterned sarongs) that Viki brought back […]
The super-popular Sip and Dip activity group is close to celebrating its 3rd anniversary and one big change happened in November. The group has been meeting monthly in the homes of volunteer hosts and due to the large numbers of people wanting to attend, a bigger venue made sense. The November gathering took place in […]
The Board of the EPWC will meet at 9:30 am on January 6, 2025 at the Eagle Point Branch Library. Members are welcome to attend. Some topics to be discussed will be Board members for the 2025-2027 term and plans for the 20th anniversary celebration.
Beginning next week, EPWC members will have one more fun activity group to participate in. Mary Harper will be coordinating a fun new card and dice game named “Bonkers”. It is similar to Bunco as it is played at rotating tables of 4 and has pretty simple rules. The first meeting will be on Nov. […]
Kris Howard, the queen of Halloween, hosted 25 EPWC members for October Sip and Dip. Kris is famous for her elaborate Halloween decorating in her home and her guests helped out by dressing up as a variety of crazy characters. Appetizers also had a Halloween theme with pumpkin-shaped cheese balls, a Frankenstein guacamole mold with […]
Vince and Linda McElmurry opened their home to a cheerful group of friends and card players for a fun evening together. Everyone enjoyed some social time, a great potluck dinner and some lively 313 card playing. The evening was completed with awarding of prize money to the game winners and some delectable dessert. Big winners […]
The Eagle Point Women’s Club Board will hold its regular meeting at 9:30 am on Monday, November 4, 2024, in the meeting room at the Eagle Point Branch Library. Members are welcome to attend the meetings. The meeting begins before the library opens, so you need to enter through the back door of the meeting […]
It was a small group that turned out for bowling this month, but everyone had some laughs plus a few groans over missed opportunities. Charlie Allen (Teresa's husband) joined in the fun and also stepped in as photographer. Thanks to Lori Miles for organizing the group and for the photo. See you next month at […]
Sandi Smith opened her home and patio to a large group of EPWC members to enjoy a beautiful fall day with some food, wine and friends. The theme was “End of Summer Blues” and every turned out looking “blue” but happy. Some special cupcakes and a rousing “Happy Birthday” serenade celebrated the birthday of Shirley […]
Sandi Smith and Barb Weber served as the hosts for the Septmnber, 2024 Couples 313 parties. Lots of good food, socializing and rousing card games filled the evening for both groups. Winners at Sandi’s home were: Jack Westrum, Virginia Felker, Kay Breithaupt and Mike Smith and the biggest loser was Wayne Breithaupt. At Barb’s home […]
A small but mighty group of three EPWC hikers led by Viki Brown covered 6.6 miles on the Upper Rogue River Trail on Sept. 20. The weather was warm and sunny and the trail was shady and quiet. We all enjoyed the spots of fall color and the sound of rushing water in the river. […]
10 EPWC members gathered at the home of Dianne Mihocko for an amazing lunch featuring the cookbooks of Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa. Ina has produced a number of cookbooks which feature food that she knows and loves. Hosts, Dianne Mihocko and Linda Haynsworth-Krueger selected the recipes for our menu from several of her cookbooks […]
A group of 6 EPWC members and one husband and a son joined the crowds at Lava Lanes in Medford for two games of bowling. Teresa Allen’s husband Charlie and Maryann Hartmann’s son, Daniel, joined in the fun. There were plenty of strikes and spares and lots of high fives to celebrate. The one sad […]
Linda Harris graciously opened her home to 24 EPWC members all sporting shorts for August Sip and Dip. Rain was threatening to dampen the outdoor part of the gathering, but it held off until everyone was headed home. Good food and wine were shared by all and always plenty of friendly conversation. A big thanks […]
Chuck and Joyce Todd opened their home to a great group of EPWC members and spouses and despite a few walkers and an arm brace, everyone had a fun time. Those lucky folks that took home some prize money included: Joyce and Chuck Todd, Mike Smith, Marilyn Westrum and Hans Smith. Thanks to the Todd’s […]
A perfect August day welcomed four EPWC hikers on a 6 mile hike on the Fish Lake Trail. Clear blue skies, absolute solitude and moderate temperatures made for wonderful hiking conditions. Chris Ann Parsosn, Marsha Long, Susan Potap and hike leader, Viki Brown carpooled up Hwy. 140 to the trailhead and marveled at the rushing […]
We had one more chance to break out those partiotic red, white and blue colors this July for a fun Sip and Dip gathering at the home of Carol Rakestraw. Great appetizers, plenty of wine and lots of good company made for an enjoyable afternoon. Thank you to Carol for hosting us.
EPWC member, Dianne Mihocko, has organized a brand new activity group named the "Swoop Group". Swoop is the name of a card game that is popular in groups and not difficult to learn. The group is now meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm in rotating host homes. July was the […]
The Ladies Dining Out group enjoyed dinner at Miguel’s in Shady Cove on July 8th. A fun time was had by all with great drinks, food and laughter. We also celebrated Ida’s birthday with the entire staff singing and Miguel, the owner, joined in on the singing too!!! Ida adds special fun to any group. […]
Six EPWC members met at Lava Lanes in Medford for the monthly bowling group outing. Melanie Harris came up with a "turkey" (3 consecutive strikes) which was celebrated with high 5's and lots of cheering. As always, everyone had lots of fun and got in some good practice. Thanks to Lori Miles for organizing and […]
What better way to spend a glorious summer afternoon than sipping wine, nibbling on goodies and enjoying good friends. The EPWC Sip and Dip group did just that at the home of Susie Roach. Everyone enjoyed Susie's beautiful patio and yard and her hospitality. Thanks to Susie for hosting and to Lori Miles for photos.
12 EPWC Dicey Bunco Group members gathered at the home of Joyce Todd for some high rolling bunco fun in May. Lady Luck was with Ida Tolmie, Lori Miles, Dianne Mihocko, Joyce Todd and Shirley Johnson who each took home a share of the $. Thanks to Joyce for hosting and to Lori Miles for […]