Victoria Brown

Current membership chair of the EPWC. I am a retired registered nurse. I am an avid cyclist, hiker and cross country skier. I am the current president of the Eagle Point Friends of the Library and the coordinator of the EPWC Culinary Arts group.

Bowling is Back!!!

By Victoria Brown | July 13, 2022

After a number of years of inactivity, the EPWC bowling group is back. A huge thanks to Lori Miles for stepping up to coordinate this fun group. The meeting time will be 1:30 pm on the second Monday of the month at Lava Lanes. Carpooling will be arranged. Cost is $15 for three games of […]

Culinary Arts Group Has an Adventure in Greek Cooking

By Victoria Brown | March 18, 2022

Twelve members gathered at the home of Viki Brown to share some wonderful Greek food and special cooking tips. Each guest prepared an assigned dish from the cookbook: "The Olive and the Caper" to create a full menu from appetizers to dessert and brought their dish to share. A few of the selections were carrot […]

Knotty Ladies’ Have Productive March 3, 2022 Meeting

By Victoria Brown | March 12, 2022

Knotty Lady’s met on March 3rd at Helen Hensley’s home. We had a great visit and hadn’t seen each other in a while due to health and deaths in the groups family. We just delivered 6 more quilts to the Phoenix Talent school district today March, 10th. They still need more so I will get […]

December 2021 Luncheon Was A Festive Gathering

By Victoria Brown | January 24, 2022

62 women were happy to gather at the Rogue Valley Country Club in December for the second of two Club luncheons held in 2021. The Members' Market was the the special program with lots of handmade and fun items for sale. A yummy luncheon was served buffet style and everyone enjoyed the great social time […]

Knotty Ladies’ Enjoy Holiday Celebration in December, 2021

By Victoria Brown | December 2, 2021

The Knotty Lady’s met at Crackin & and Stackin in Eagle Point for their December 1st meeting, for lunch and to celebrate Christmas. We were a small group, but we had a great time. Debi Hart, Dora Moore, Maxine Williams and Helen Hensley attended the event and posed for a great photo. We are still […]

October and November Meetings of the Knotty Ladies

By Victoria Brown | November 5, 2021

The Knotty Lady’s met in October at Maxine's home and November at Dora’s home. We had a short meeting about the quilts, fleece blankets and afghans we donated to the Gateway Project in Phoenix and Talent for the fire victims. We donated 26 in all. Also in September we gave 34 placemats and in October […]

Knotty Ladies Enjoy September Meeting

By Victoria Brown | September 7, 2021

Knotty Ladies Quilt Guild The Knotty Ladies met at Lydia Davidson’s home on September 1st at 1 pm for their regular meeting. Social distance and masks were used. We had 6 ladies attend. It was good to see everybody as it has been a long time since we last got together. We all got caught […]

Culinary Arts Group Together Again After 17 months

By Victoria Brown | July 18, 2021

It was a happy day to get together with old friends and enjoy some wonderful food at the July 8, 2021 Culinary Arts lunch. Viki Brown served as host at her home and was assisted by Linda Haynsworth-Krueger as co-host. We decided to choose a light summer menu that was all served cold or at […]

Knotty Ladies Feb./March 2021 Meetings

By Victoria Brown | March 21, 2021

The Knotty Ladies had their regular meeting on Feb. 3rd at Dora Moore’s home at 1pm. 4 ladies attended. We had a nice visit & since there were only 4 of us, we were able to social distance very easily. We hadn’t met since last Sept. at Betty’s home. My how we all missed getting […]

Knotty Ladies Hold September Meeting

By Victoria Brown | September 14, 2020

Good morning everyone!! The Knotty Ladies Quilters of Eagle Point, Oregon, are staying home and staying safe. We hope you are all well. We are staying busy with mask making (not as much as the last time I wrote), quilts and just staying busy and having fun. We held our September 2, 2020 meeting at […]

May, 2020 Knotty Ladies Masked Meeting

By Victoria Brown | May 21, 2020

The Knotty Ladies met at Helen Hensley's home on May 15, 2020 for the first time since Mar. 4. With coronavirus restrictions in place we considered a video meeting, but the Phase 1 guidelines made an in-person meeting possible. Lydia Davidson's beautiful patio was the setting for the meeting and masks and social distancing were […]

Knotty Ladies’ March 2020 Meeting

By Victoria Brown | March 10, 2020

Helen Hensley hosted the Knotty Ladies Quilters on March 4th. We welcome back Lynn Moore, who took a short break from the Knotty Ladies, and is ready to get back and be active again. We look forward to her new ideas. Helen is big on making small gifts for members and presented them with a […]

February 2020 Luncheon Features Oregon History

By Victoria Brown | February 24, 2020

76 women gathered at the Rogue Valley Country Club on a sunny winter day to enjoy good company, wonderful food and a fascinating program. Leta Lovelace Neiderheiser, author of "Jesse Applegate: A Dialogue with Destiny" was our speaker who played the role of Cynthia Applegate, wife of Jesse Applegate. Leta is a great, great granddaughter […]

February 2020 Culinary Arts Lunch Celebrates Citrus

By Victoria Brown | February 16, 2020

A total of 26 women gathered at two homes on Feb. 13 to explore the interesting world of cooking with a variety of citrus fruits. Host homes were Viki Brown and Nancy with Sharyn Close and Liz Crossman serving as co-hosts. The hosts had selected a total of 10 recipes featuring citrus that were assigned […]

December 2019 Luncheon Was Fun and Festive

By Victoria Brown | December 16, 2019

72 EPWC members and guests filled the ballroom at the Rogue Valley Country Club for our December luncheon. The room was a literal sea of red clothing as everyone brightened the cold, foggy day. We all enjoyed some social time, the usual business meeting and a scrumptious buffet lunch. The menu included scalloped potatoes, roast […]

Classy Christmas Party 2019

By Victoria Brown | December 16, 2019

It was a mild December evening for our annual Classy Christmas Party which was held in the Pavilion at the Eagle Point Golf Resort for the second year. Lots of cozy heaters were placed around the room and service from two bars in the room kept everybody warm and comfortable. Once again some ladies dusted […]

October 2019 EPWC Luncheon and Member’s Market

By Victoria Brown | October 19, 2019

Did you think it was possible to get 92 women, 12 lunch tables and 13 vendor tables in the ballroom at the RV Country Club? Well we did it at the October 2019 luncheon and it was great. Trudi Eyraud coordinated the Member's market, Maxine Williams coordinated the luncheon and Annette Godfrey provided the Halloween […]

October 2019 Culinary arts Lunch is a Southern Celebration

By Victoria Brown | October 19, 2019

24 wonderful cooks gathered at two homes on October 10 to savor a lunch featuring fine Southern Cuisine and to learn some history of cooking influences in that area. Linda Haynsworth-Kruger and Susan Watson planned the menu, selected the recipes and hosted a group of 12 at Linda’s home. Joyce Lingren and Viki Brown coordinated […]

August, 2019 EPWC Luncheon Gives New Meaning to the Term “Wacky Fashion Show”

By Victoria Brown | September 1, 2019

Ask 15 older, adult women to dress up in costume and strut their stuff in front of a large group of friends and you have the recipe for a zany luncheon program. Each model prepared a costume based on a chosen theme and Maxine Williams, fashion show emcee, delivered a descriptive commentary as the model […]

August 2019 Culinary Arts Group Savors a “Marvelous Mediterranean” Menu

By Victoria Brown | September 1, 2019

18 great cooks joined in the Culinary Arts luncheon for August, 2019. The participants were divided between two homes to keep the numbers manageable. Virginia Felker and Gerene Leffingwell hosted at Virginia's home and Maxine Williams and Sharyn Close hosted at Maxine's home. The weather was beautiful and allowed lunch to be served in Maxine's […]

EPWC Annual Picnic Was a Sunny Success

By Victoria Brown | August 3, 2019

75 EPWC members and guests descended on Touvelle State Park on a beautiful July Sunday to enjoy the annual picnic. There were yard games and prizes, shade trees, live music and great food catered by Big Daddy BBQ. Lots of fun socializing and relaxing in this beautiful park also made it a special event. A […]

EPWC July 4th Parade Entry is a Winner!!

By Victoria Brown | July 11, 2019

17 EPWC members decorated the All Around Town Trolley in bright, patriotic colors and then hopped on board to play loud and proud kazoo music all along the Eagle Point 4th of July parade route. It was lots of fun, a beautiful day and a large crowd lining the streets to cheer us all on. […]

Happy Birthday to the Eagle Point Women’s Club Celebrated at the June Luncheon

By Victoria Brown | June 29, 2019

About 70 women gathered at the Rogue Valley Country Club on a beautiful summer day for the June luncheon. We celebrated the beginning of the 15th year of founding of then Eagle Point Women's Club with some delicious and beautiful birthday cake. A few of the original members were present at the luncheon. The tables […]

June 2019 “Dishes up Oregon”

By Victoria Brown | June 25, 2019

This was the first time that Culinary Arts hosted a lunch at two different homes to accomodate our growing group numbers. The menu was identical at each lunch and eleven people attended at each home. Janice Kabel and Jackie O’Neil co-hosted at Janice’s home and Viki Brown and Linda Haynsworth-Kruger co-hosted at Viki’s home. Several […]

Welcome to the 2019-2020 Eagle Point Women’s Club Board

By Victoria Brown | May 9, 2019

The ballots are in and the suspense is over. We have a Board for the next two years and it looks a lot like the Board from the last two years. Thanks to members who voted and a big thanks to the board members for their dedicated service.

Humor and Inspiration Highlighted in April 2019 Luncheon Program

By Victoria Brown | May 3, 2019

72 members and guests assembled at the Rogue Valley Country Club on April 17 for our bi-monthly luncheon. The four guests who attended joined the Club as members before they left for the day. It is great to welcome new friends to our great group. The business meeting reminded people that membership dues need to […]

Middle Eastern Feast Enjoyed at April Culinary Arts Lunch

By Victoria Brown | May 2, 2019

15 members gathered at the home of Pat Wittman to explore the exotic delight of middle eastern cooking. Ashley Jensen served as co-hostess and provided the commentary as each dish was introduced. From hummus to saffron rice pudding, we sampled dishes for every meal course from recipes which had been carefully selected by Pat and […]

February Ladie’s Dining Out Checked Out Cracker Barrel

By Victoria Brown | March 25, 2019

A lively group of 8 members carpooled to Medford for a enjoyable lunch at the new Cracker Barrel restaurant. The "front porch" is filled with the trademark wooden rocking chairs and the huge gift shop sells some food products and lots of other interesting items. The interior is welcoming and comfortable and the menu pretty […]

February 2019 Luncheon Introduces us to Qigong

By Victoria Brown | March 1, 2019

71 eager members and guests filled the ballroom at Rogue Valley Country Club on Feb. 20 for some great socializing, updating, learning and eating. Our featured presenter was Susan Sky, licensed acupuncturist and ancient Chinese medicine visiting. Suzanne provided information on health, overall wellness and then demonstrated and led us in practicing some Qigong exercises. […]

February 2019 Culinary Arts Group Celebrates Isabel’s Cantina

By Victoria Brown | February 14, 2019

17 creative women joined in a festive celebration of the bold and varied flavors of Latin food at the Culinary Arts lunch held at Viki Brown's home on Feb. 7 which was decorated with bright Latin colors. Sue Tschohl served as co-hostess. The women who attended each prepared a recipe for a part of the […]