Women’s Club Luncheons

About Women’s Club Luncheons

Chair: Maryann Hartmann


Regular Schedule: 3rd Wednesday of even-numbered months at 10:00 am

This is a Board-hosted activity that occurs on the 3rd Wednesday of even-numbered months at 10:00 am at the Rogue Valley Country Club in Medford. The luncheon includes social time, a business meeting, a special presentation by a guest speaker and a buffet lunch with dessert. Cost is $25 per person. Guests are welcome to attend with members.

Women’s Club Luncheons Stories

Maxine Willimas and Gayle Schanck


bald eagle in nature during fall

December Luncheon program

bald eagle in nature during fall

October 16th luncheon meeting program


June 19th 2013 Luncheon

bald eagle in nature during fall

Coming Luncheon programs

bald eagle in nature during fall

June Luncheon

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/adulau/6200003465/" target="_Blank">Photo credit Alexandre Dulaunoy</a>

April Luncheon

Janet Siedlecki, Carolyn Hein, Jan Griffin, Maureen Callaway, Janice Pearson, Maxine Williams, Sjanna Sharbatz, Carolyn Steiber and Leigh Lenz.

April 19, 2006 Luncheon