Activity Group Reports

Piecemakers November 1, 2023 Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | November 14, 2023

The Piecemakers met at Rosenelle’s to learn how to make a “No-Sew Scandinavian Star” ornament. We started with a show and tell. Sue showed off yet another rope basket, a large one that is so cool. Rosenelle was happy to show her completed embroidery project that is a beautiful Christmas tree skirt. Each of the […]

Culinary Arts Toured the World of Soup in November

By Victoria Brown | November 11, 2023

12 members gathered at the home of Gerene Leffingwell to enjoy a menu of “Soups and Sides From Around the World”. Sharyn Close served as co-host and together they created an enjoyable culinary event. Sharyn and Gerene selected the recipes from a variety of sources and each guest prepared an assigned dish. Some of the […]


By Susan Watson | November 9, 2023

It was a full house at Sip& Dip on October 26th. Everyone was in high spirits. Kris goes all out for Halloween. From the decorations to the Halloween “crack”, that we could not stop eating, it was SPOOKTACULAR! Thanks Kris for hosting.

Bowlers Keep Knocking Them Down

By Victoria Brown | November 6, 2023

Eight members and one guest gathered at Lava Lanes for our monthly bowling group. Cheryl Ryan joined us for the first time and Marie Rezab came as a guest of Maryann Hartmann. There were some strikes and happy dances and always lots of fun. Thanks to Lori Miles for organizing us each month.

The Future is Flouring at the Mill

By Susan Watson | October 26, 2023

The Mill's future is in flour as efforts continue to get the Butte Creek Mill back to the same old grind. Okay, enough of the silly puns. Our October 18, 2023  luncheon was held at the Rogue Valley Country Club with 38 women in attendance. The day began with a social time and an opportunity to […]

Theater Group gets into Halloween Spirit

By Susan Watson | October 24, 2023

The EPWC Theater Group got into the Halloween spirit by attending the play Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at the Collaborative Theatre Project Sunday October 15th. You may not know the story by Robert Louis Stevenson or remember the movie with Spencer Tracy but it doesn’t matter. This Production does an excellent job of transporting […]

EPWC Hikers Explore Lost Creek Lake Trail

By Victoria Brown | October 23, 2023

Angie Wells and Viki Brown served as co-leaders for the October hike which was attended by 7 members. It was a warm day and the trail was lined with trees showing beautiful color following the perimeter of Lost Creek Lake. The group divided into two sub-groups to accommodate those choosing to hike 3 or 6 […]

October 2023 Couples 3-13

By Aleli Lawson | October 22, 2023

Couples 3-13 was held on October 21st at the homes of Kris Howard and Susan Watson. New members to the group Cheryl & Ed Ryan placed in the money at the Howards, with Cheryl scoring a low of 47 points and Ed 81. Paul & Nancy Erickson also took home 2nd & 4th places respectively […]

Dicey Bunco Rolled Out Some Winners in October

By Victoria Brown | October 19, 2023

10 EPWC members gathered at the home of Carol Rakestraw for their monthly Bunco gathering. Everyone enjoyed some food, good company and a lively game of bunco. Some lucky ladies even went home with some cash. Thanks to Carol for hosting.

Piecemakers September and October Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | October 14, 2023

In September the group got together to work on a quilt of valor. A couple of show & tell items were shared. Sue showed off some more rope bowls. And Kelly shared another beautiful quilt. In October, we met to learn how to make fabric cards. Sue Brown was our teacher and she shared samples […]

Culinary Arts Group Showcases Local Food at September 2023 Luncheon

By Victoria Brown | October 5, 2023

12 members gathered at the home of Wyn Lewis on Sept. 14 to enjoy a luncheon created from 10 select recipes featuring fresh local food. Dianne Mihocko served as co-host. Recipes included: fresh berry bruschetta with whipped goat cheese and balsamic drizzle, marionberry-peach cold soup and raspberry-pistachio semifreddo. We all shared information on our favorite […]

Hikers enjoy PCT September 2023

By Gerene Leffingwell | September 29, 2023

Six of us enjoyed about a 6.3 mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail at Mt. Ashland Meadows on Friday, September 15. We started from Mt. Ashland Rd. through a forest of grand fir and Shasta red fir. The trail broke into a large meadow after about 1/2 mile and then alternated between forest and […]

Sip & Dip September 2023

By Eagle Point Women's Club | September 29, 2023

Another Fun Afternoon at Kathy Johnson’s Home. The theme was “Wear your Favorite T-Shirt”. Lots of laughs!

September 2023 Couples 3-13

By Aleli Lawson | September 25, 2023

Couples 3-13 was held on September 16 at the homes of Joyce & Chuck Todd and a new couple to the activity group, Vicki & Steve Wittenbrock. After appetizers, visiting and dinner, the 3-13 card games were held. At the Todds, host Chuck posted his all time low score of 29 points, Paul Erickson with […]

EPWC Bowlers Keep on Rolling

By Victoria Brown | September 5, 2023

Labor Day was a perfect day to head for Lava Lanes with a group of friends and hone our bowling skills. Seven members turned out for two great games and lots of fun. There were plenty of high fives and cheers to celebrate the strikes and spares and some better than expected scores. Thanks to […]

Bernhardt/Hamlet Play August 27,2023

By Susan Watson | August 29, 2023

Sarah Bernhardt takes on Shakespeare's Hamlet in this award-winning play at The Collaborative Theater Project. In 1899 Sarah cast herself as the tortured Prince of Denmark in an era when women did not play male roles. The acting was superb while the plot was a bit confusing at times. The second half of the play […]

August 2023 Sip and Dip Shines in Turquoise

By Victoria Brown | August 26, 2023

What an amazing feeling to walk into a room full of women all wearing clothing in the same color. We each found something turquoise and summery to dress in and came together for another fun wine and appetizers gathering. Kristine Frey opened her home to the group and had beautiful turquoise plates and napkins to […]

August 2023 Couples 3-13

By Aleli Lawson | August 24, 2023

August 19th gatherings of Couples 3-13 were hosted by Susan Smith and Barbara Weber. There was a power outage at the Smith home so Plan B was dinner and dessert and then folks would head home. Luckily, during dessert the lights came back on so the evening progressed as normal after dessert. Jim Hyden was […]

August 16, 2023, Luncheon: Hidden in Haarlem

By Susan Watson | August 20, 2023

Forty women signed up for today’s luncheon. We saw some members that we haven’t seen in awhile. Jean Otteman returned and brought her sister Harriet. Debbie Mastroianni was also in attendance as a guest. Our presenter was a local author and speaker Sue DeMarinis. This is Sue’s fourth book and mesmerized the audience with her […]

Piecemakers August 2, 2023 Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | August 13, 2023

On August 2nd the Piecemakers met at Rosenelle's for a lesson on making produce bags. We first had a fun show & tell. Sue and Rosenelle showed off their rope bowls (last month's lesson). They look amazing. I showed off my completed quilt using the discharged circle blocks we made at Kelly's in May. Terry […]

Red, White and Blue!!

By Victoria Brown | August 6, 2023

Carol Rakestraw opened her home to a wonderful group from the EPWC for the July Sip and Dip gathering and everyone had a great time together. The theme for July was red, white and blue in keeping with our independence day celebration colors. This activity group is simple and popular with wine and simple appetizers […]

Hikers head to the hills to beat the heat for July outing

By Victoria Brown | July 23, 2023

7 ladies headed out for a 6 mile hike on the Fish Lake Trail with Sheris Fine serving as leader. We enjoyed shade, beautiful trees, a babbling stream and lunch on the lake shore. Lots of fresh air, good conversation and exercise. Thanks, Sheris.

Some Like It Hot!!

By Victoria Brown | July 23, 2023

Ten ladies gathered at the home of Viki Brown to explore the cuisine of Korea at the July Culinary Arts luncheon. Each of the group prepared a dish from a pre-assigned recipe to create a full menu. Lots of hot peppers, sesame oil and garlic in this food which made it spicy and very flavorful. […]

Theater Group attends Desperate Measures at CTP

By Susan Watson | July 17, 2023

What a delightful little play! So far this year, this has been one of our favorite shows. Desperate Measures is a western musical loosely, I mean loosely, adapted from the Shakespeare play Measure for Measure. Twelve of us moseyed on down to Medford to watch the performance at the Collaborative Theater Project. Barbara Young brought […]

July it was all about the Giraffes

By Virginia Felker | July 14, 2023

July's meeting was held at the home of Virginia Felker and we discussed her book choice 'West with Giraffes' by Lynda Rutledge. Based on a true story of zoo director Belle Benchley's quest to transport the first Ugandan giraffes from Africa to the San Diego zoo in 1938. This book had something for everyone with […]

Piecemakers July 5, 2023 Meeting Report

By Elaine Slate | July 11, 2023

The Piecemakers met at Rosenelle's for our July meeting. Linda was our teacher for the day and taught us how to make a rope bowl. Linda, Terry, & Rosenelle all sewed while Sue & I watched & took notes. It is quite amazing the things you can do with rope to make a beautiful bowl. […]

Viki Brown is Honored & Our New Mayor is the Guest Speaker

By Susan Watson | July 3, 2023

Our June luncheon was jammed packed with information to report. First,our outgoing board was acknowledged and the incoming board announced. Some of the previous board members have graciously agreed to stay on for an additional two years. Thoes staying on are Sandi Smith,VP and Membership Chair; Maryann Heartmann, Luncheon Coordinator and also our new Blast […]

In The Shade at Shady Cove

By Susan Watson | June 28, 2023

It was a beautiful day along the Rogue River at the charming Riverhouse in Shady Cove for the EPWC Annual picnic. A hardworking team of volunteers made this a special day. Everyone brought food to share as assigned by Viki, using alphabet wizardry to avoid duplication of dishes. There was plenty of great food to […]

Hikers enjoy Forest Park May 2023

By Gerene Leffingwell | May 30, 2023

Five enthusiastic hikers enjoyed exercise, camaraderie, and the beauty of nature while hiking about 5 miles on trails in Forest Park on Friday, May 19. We hiked a loop connecting Ridgeview, Naversen, Halls of Manzanita, Cantrell Creek, and Ol' Miners' Trails. We observed a variety of wildflowers, including Indian Paintbrush, Cat's Ears, and Ground Cone. […]

May 2023 Couples 3-13

By Aleli Lawson | May 29, 2023

The May 20th 313 gatherings were hosted by Kay & Wayne Breithaupt, Virginia & Doug Felker and Annette & Dennis Godfrey. After happy hour, yummy dinners were enjoyed by all then the 313 card game took center stage. Low scores were across the board for winners tonight. At the Breithaupts Diane Sproat grabbed first place […]