Victoria Brown

Current membership chair of the EPWC. I am a retired registered nurse. I am an avid cyclist, hiker and cross country skier. I am the current president of the Eagle Point Friends of the Library and the coordinator of the EPWC Culinary Arts group.

Culinary Arts Jacques Pepin Event, March 2014

By Victoria Brown | March 24, 2014

A fun and educational event featuring recipes of Chef Jacques Pepin. Hosted by Marcia Liekkio and Jan Griffin.

February 2014 Luncheon

By Victoria Brown | March 24, 2014

A great luncheon was enjoyed by all with an exceptional program presented by Barry Kraft of the Ashland Shakespeare Festival.


By Victoria Brown | December 4, 2013

Great time was had by all at the October 2013 luncheon.

Board Minutes 7/10/2013

By Victoria Brown | August 23, 2013

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