Activity Group Announcements

Book Club Change for December

By Valerie Taylor-Crow | November 15, 2018

The December holiday party for the Book Club has been changed to Wednesday, December 19th. This is due to the annual 2nd Wednesday EPWC holiday luncheon at the Rogue Valley Country Club. We will still plan on meeting at the home of Jan Griffin.

Piecemakers Change

By Rosenelle Florencechild | November 6, 2018

The Piecemakers meeting for November 7 has been rescheduled for November 14 at 11:00 am. For the December 5 meeting, members will have lunch in Grants Pass then hit the fabric shops.

Culinary Arts Planning Meeting

By Linda O'Neal | October 19, 2018

The Culinary Arts group will hold their 2019 planning meeting on Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 at the home of Viki Brown. Anyone interested should plan to attend.

Theater Group Planning Meeting

By Linda O'Neal | October 10, 2018

The Theater group will have its annual planning meeting at 1PM on Monday, Nov. 12 at the home of Susan Watson. Please come and bring your ideas about plays you'd like to see.

Ladies Outing – October 2, 2018 Tour & “Play time” at ScienceWorks – Hands on Museum

By Elaine Slate | August 31, 2018

Hello Ladies! I hope you are ready for a fun outing in October. We can pretend we are kids again. One of the things I love about our Ladies Outings group is that it really helps me to learn what is available to us here in the Rogue Valley. For newcomers, that is key to […]

Hike changed for July 2018

By Gerene Leffingwell | July 9, 2018

We will not be hiking the Boundary Springs Trail in July due to heavy damage from forest fires. Instead, we will hike the Muir Creek Trail on July 20.

June Book Club Change

By Valerie Taylor-Crow | May 21, 2018

The June Book Club meeting will be held at the home of Sheris Fine. We will discuss the original book choice selected by Virginia Felker, "A Piece of the World" by Christina Baker Kline. See you all next month for another interesting discussion. Valerie Taylor-Crow Co-Chair

Ladies Outing – June 5,2018, Tour of Rogue Creamery Dairy Farm & Lunch at White Horse Country Store

By Elaine Slate | May 16, 2018

The next Ladies Outing is June 5, 2018. Martha Roy has planned a great outing, a tour of the Rogue Creamery Dairy Farm. The Creamery offers group tours of their milking operation, the weaning barn, and the "ladies" hutches. They have recommended a local deli for lunch. We will dine at the White Horse Country […]

May Book Club – Changes

By Valerie Taylor-Crow | April 20, 2018

The May Book Club gathering will be held at Susan Watson's home instead of Phyllis Earls. We will discuss the original book choice "The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry" written by Gabrielle Zevin. This will be a joint group effort to facilitate the discussion. Please bring finger foods to share with the attendees. Susan […]

Location Change for Hike April 20, 2018

By Gerene Leffingwell | April 12, 2018

We have decided that the Hiking Group will not be going to Horseshoe Ranch Wildlife area in April. Apparently, it would be too muddy for our group this time of year. Instead we will be hiking the new East Applegate Ridge Trail outside of Jacksonville Friday, April 20. Susan Watson said the hike is relatively […]

Change of location for Piecemakers April meeting.

By Rosenelle Florencechild | March 14, 2018

Jean Otteman will host the Piecemakers April 4th meeting at 1:30 PM. Her address is 199 Princeville. Group members are asked to call or email her if they plan to attend the meeting. Her phone number is 541-892-2449; email –

Ladies Outing – April 3, 2018 – Tour of Blackstone Audio & lunch at Caldera Brewery & Restaurant

By Elaine Slate | February 26, 2018

For our April outing, we are going to tour Blackstone Audio, Inc. The tour is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on April 3, 2018. We will travel to Caldera Brewery & Restaurant afterward for lunch at 11:45 a.m. We will meet at the Walmart Parking Lot at 9:30 a.m. to carpool. Blackstone Audio is one of […]


By Sharyn Close | January 10, 2018

HOSTESS SCHEDULE FOR 2018 1/17/18….Maxine Williams 3/21/18….Wyn Lewis 5/16/18….Barbara Schmaltz 7/18/18… Cathi Soreng 9/19/18… Alice Smith 11/21/18 Betsy Hase

Ladies Outings – February 6, 2018 Tour of The Glass Forge/Lunch @ Climate City Brewing Co.

By Elaine Slate | January 10, 2018

I am very pleased to announce our next Ladies Outing. We will be going to Grants Pass on February 6, 2018 to tour The Glass Forge. It is not a typical tour with a guide. It will involve walking around checking things out, they will explain things to us and we will watch demonstrations of […]

EPWC Receives Community Service Award

By Linda O'Neal | October 25, 2017

At a recent Chamber of Commerce meeting. the EPWC was presented with the 2017 Community Service Award commemorating our on-going contributions to the community.

Picnic Change of Venue

By Linda O'Neal | August 9, 2017

TouVelle Park has been closed to the public so it can be used as a staging area for fire fighting. As a result, we've had to change the venue for the EPWC picnic. The new venue is The Riverhouse, 7710 Rogue River Dr. in Shady Cove. No other details have changed.

Change for September, 2017 Book Club Gathering

By Valerie Taylor-Crow | August 3, 2017

The September book club meeting will now be held at the home of Kristine Frey. She has chosen “The Walk” by Richard Paul Evans as the monthly book discussion. Jenn Ashton, who originally planned on hosting for September will now switch to the month of November. We will be reading the same original book choice, […]

October Ladies Outing-October 3, 2017-Backstage tour of Shakespeare Theater

By Elaine Slate | July 30, 2017

I am pleased to announce our next outing. This is one that has been on the "wish list" for awhile and Susan Watson is going to make it happen for us! The October 3 outing will be a back stage tour at the Shakespeare Theater. We have 20 seats reserved for the tour. Susan is […]

July 4th Parade

By Linda O'Neal | June 7, 2017

Once again the EPWC will be in the 4th of July parade but this year we will be doing something different. We will be the infamous EPWC KAZOO MARCHING BAND. Maxine has given us her blessing with a sigh of relief and will be one of our marchers. The parade route is approximately .6 miles and […]

April Ladies Outing – High Tea at The Teapot on Wheels, Tuesday, April 4, 2017, 11:00 a.m.

By Elaine Slate | March 7, 2017

Our next outing will be a High Tea at the Teapot on Wheels on Tuesday, April 4th. This is our first "repeat" event for 2017. We did this previously in April 2015. Many of you wanted to do this again and many others missed it and want to go. We have reservations at 11:00 a.m. […]

Ladies Outings – February 7, 2017 Outing to Schmidt House Museum, Grants Pass

By Elaine Slate | January 17, 2017

The first Ladies Outing for 2017 is rapidly approaching! We are going to Grants Pass to do a tour of the Schmidt House Museum. Barbara Judy is planning this fun outing and is arranging for us to have lunch at Taprock Northwest Grill after the tour. The tour is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. The cost […]

Ladies Outings 2017 Planning Meeting

By Linda O'Neal | December 21, 2016

Ladies Outings will have their 2017 planning meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 17 at the home of Elaine Slate. Please contact Elaine if you will be able to attend.

2017 Planning Meeting for Culinary Arts Scheduled for Dec. 8, 2016

By Victoria Brown | December 3, 2016

The Culinary Arts Group will be holding a planning meeting for 2017 on Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016 at the home of Viki Brown at 3:45 pm. Refreshments will be provided and a schedule of events for the coming year developed. Come with ideas and cookbooks that we might use for a luncheon. E-mail Viki at: […]

Classy Country Christmas Party-Update from the Board

By Debbie Tossie | November 20, 2016

Looking forward to having everyone join the fun and holiday festivites!!! Board reconsidered….Now for EVERYONE attending, your generous EPWC Board will be picking up the additional $5.00 per person. Individuals: $35.00 / Couples: $70.00 EPWC Classy Country Christmas Party will be held at 333 E Main in Medford. Adjacent FREE nights and weekend parking garage. […]

October 4, 2016 Ladies Outing Announcement – Tour of Dogs for the Deaf – Meet at 10:15 a.m.

By Elaine Slate | September 21, 2016

I am excited to announce our next outing in October will be a tour at Dogs for the Deaf. I have heard great things about this operation and I know that it will be a wonderful tour. Terry Sheldon is our planner for October. She has made a tour reservation for October 4 at 11:00 […]

Walkabout coming in August, 2016

By Terry Sheldon | July 31, 2016

We will be meeting at 8:00 a.m. on August 25 at the Talon Grill, in the closest parking lot to Alta Vista. From there, we will carpool to Ashland. Our walk will be in beautiful Lithia Park, starting on the Plaza at the drinking fountain, and winding our way up through the park. Following the […]

Hikers Enjoy South Fork Rogue River July, 2016.

By Gerene Leffingwell | July 23, 2016

The South Fork Rogue River was our destination on Friday, July 15 as eight of us enjoyed exercise and camaraderie during our 5-mile hike along the upper section of the trail. The most challenging part of the hike was crossing numerous logs along the trail. We found a perfect place along the river for our […]

August 2, 2016 Ladies Outing – Tour of RCC Table Rock Campus/Dine at Kriselle Cellar

By Elaine Slate | July 3, 2016

We will be touring the Rogue Community College, Table Rock Campus. Liz Crossman is the planner for this outing. She serves on the board of the RCC Foundation. The tour includes Manufacturing/Engineering, Electronics Technology, Diesel Technology, Criminal Justice & Emergency Services. After the tour we will dine Kriselle Cellars in White City. They do not […]

July 28, 2016 Walkabout

By Terry Sheldon | June 29, 2016

Sharyn and Terry will again center our walk in Eagle Point, and will be starting at Sharyn’s home, to explore the (short) wooded trail up behind her house and the new neighborhood that is blossoming above, with gorgeous views to see. Our walks are generally 3+ miles and non-strenuous. Breakfast or brunch at Barbwire Grill. […]

September/November Book Club Hostess Swap

By Valerie Taylor-Crow | June 11, 2016

Due to a change in travel plans, the September Book Club meeting will be held at the home of Lynn Leissler. The November meeting will be held at the home of Valerie Taylor-Crow. The book choices will remain the same as previously announced. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact either Lynn […]