The Book Club met at the home of Jan Griffin for a discussion on her choice of the novel, “Our Souls at Night” by Kent Haruf. This tells a story of two lonely widowed neighbors in a fictitious small town of Holt, Colorado looking for a platonic relationship especially during their lonely nights…a quiet tale […]
We had a lovely time- enjoying desserts, friends and entertainment, while supporting our local high school. I had such fun planning and decorating my table, I look forward to doing so again next year!
The first outing of 2017 was a huge success. Barbara Judy planned a wonderful outing which included a tour of the historic Schmidt House in Grants Pass. Afterwards we had a wonderful lunch at Taprock Northwest Grill where many of us enjoyed a great Mac & Cheese Hamburger. It was delicious! The Schmidt House has […]
The Ladies Night Out Bunco group experienced a whirlwind year in 2016! Lots of winners and lots of losers but who cares, with our game, even the losers WIN…. Right girls?!?!?! Our final hostess for 2016 was Kay Lund. Kay went over the "top" in decorating her home both inside and out!!! God Bless Her, […]
The Knotty Ladies welcomed interested quilter and guest Betsy Hase at their February meeting which was held at Dora's home. February is our annual "clean out your quilting room" meeting where members exchanged items that they no longer needed. Betsy was able to score several items to start her own quilting. Items not chosen were […]
Our Couples Group started the year off right.
Four members met on January 4th to welcome in the new year. The show and tell included a surprising number of projects that had been completed since the last meeting. The raffle quilt top has been completed but needs to be sandwiched with batting and backing so Rosenelle can quilt it. Betty contacted someone from […]
We continue to knit and purl, occasionally drop a stitch. Here are the most recent photos. Kitt deserves the blue ribbon for being patient and persistent. Her felted bag was a long term project and it turned out beautifully.
It is amazing what happens when you put 14 ladies together to plan outings for the next year. We have a great year planned for you! Here is the plan (so far): February 7, 2017 – Our first outing of the year is coming right up. We are going to tour the Schmidt House in […]
Eleven members met at the home of Barbara Judy. This is the third novel by well known British broadcaster, Richard Madeley, who began his career in the Lake District during the hottest summer on record in England. This fact lends some authenticity to his writing. An excerpt from the publicity: "The summer of 1976 was […]
In spite of record snow in our area, all of the Knotty Ladies who were in town attended our first meeting of 2017 which was held at Carol Kato’s home. Dora will transfer the duties of the treasurer to Maxine at our February meeting. Weather permitting, we will deliver our soldier quilt to the Veteran’s […]
Our very energetic and interesting Book Club held its Christmas get together December 13 at the home of Charmaine Lewis with Virginia Felker was co-hostess and number one helper. A book for December was not chosen and instead we discussed our favorite book for the year and the book did not have to be a […]
Our hostess: August 20, 2016, Virginia Felker, Aleli Lawson & Maxine Williams. Sept 17, 2016 Liz Crossman &Susan Watson. October 15, 2016, Kris Howard & Linda Sparks. Joyce Todd had to cancel last minute due to illness. November 19, 2016, Jan Griffin, Mary Gorczewski & Lynn Tally.
A dozen ladies gathered at the home of Cindy Parrott for potluck dinner and 3-13 card game. Cindy's Christmas decorations were lovely. The food was wonderful as always and the conversations lively and full of laughter as we played 3-13. Another year of warm camaraderie in the books, and we look forward to our gatherings […]
Twelve ladies gathered at the home of Viki Brown on Dec. 8, 2016 to discuss options for our group gatherings for 2017. Lots of great ideas and interesting cookbooks to peruse which made making final decisions a challenge. The first gathering of 2017 will feature recipes from " Grandma Bellino's Italian Cookbook, Recipes from my […]
On December 6th fourteen ladies braved the snow & cold weather for a shopping spree in Jacksonville followed by a delicious lunch at Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant. The weather improved and was just perfect for Christmas shopping. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and many of us continued shopping after lunch. The food and service at the […]
Our joyful evening started out with what seemed to be a never ending array of appetizers. Our private bar was attended by a lovely bartender, who was super friendly and overly accommodating to our group. She later shared with me that our group was the BEST group she has ever served. Yay! The delicious appetizers […]
The Knotty Ladies have been busy. We set up a table at the Members Market to display the donation quilts and other items that are ready to be given to worthy recipients. We also sold hand crafted items to raise money to purchase batting or fabric for future donation quilts. We enjoyed sharing patterns and […]
State of Wonder: Eleven members of the Book Group met at the home of Sheris Fine. The group had a lively discussion about our October book choice, State of Wonder by Ann Patchett. State of Wonder is a 2011 novel by American author Ann Patchett. It is the story of pharmacologist Marina Singh, who journeys […]
A fabulous "Joint Outing". On November 1st sixteen ladies from the Ladies Dining Out & Ladies Outings Groups traveled to Grants Pass for lunch at Taprock Grill followed by a shopping spree at Shop River Rock. The shop was decorated for Christmas already and there were so many beautiful Christmas items! If you enjoy shopping, […]
Twelve ladies gathered at Linda Sparks' new home for the October potluck & 3-13 game. We enjoyed a dinner of appetizers while gazing out above Eagle Point from Linda's lovely deck. Afterwards a good time was had by all playing 3-13 with Dawn Iuliano having the lowest score and winning the pot and new member […]
On October 21st nine hiking ladies enjoyed the beautiful fall scenery at Natural Bridge along the Rogue River. The colors were spectacular and it was a gorgeous day. After the hike we enjoyed a delicious meal at Beckie's Cafe in Union Creek. When we finished lunch, we were not quite ready to leave so we […]
A cool, rainy day was perfect for enjoying the warm, festive tastes of Spanish tapas at the October Culinary Arts luncheon. Viki Brown was hostess and was joined by 8 members who each prepared a selected recipe. The cookbook used for this event was "Tapas: The Little Plates of Spain" authored by Penelope Casas. Shrimp […]
Linda hosted the Knotty Ladies October meeting. We firmed up the organization for our participation in the Members Market to be held on October 19. Items for sale at our table were tagged and priced. The group has enjoyed making small items with all proceeds going toward the purchase of supplies for our donation quilts. […]
On October 4th, fourteen ladies enjoyed a tour of Dogs for the Deaf. We met an adorable dog named Bonzai who showed us how he gets his owners attention when there is a noise, such as a doorbell, phone or smoke alarm sound. We learned that this wonderful organization also has programs for training Autism […]
On a warm September afternoon, eight women gathered at Lynn Leissler’s home to discuss Lizette’s List by Susan Vreeland. The author weaves a tale of art, love, and war, set in Provence, France during WWII. Instead of overpowering, the war provides a menacing backdrop for this richly themed story. Lizette is barely in her twenties […]
Seven adventurous hikers enjoyed sunshine, breathtaking views, and camaraderie while hiking 5-6 miles on the PCT to the Lower and Middle Deadfall Lakes. Deadfall Lakes are located in the Klamath Mountains below Mt. Eddy about 15 miles west of Weed. There were views of the jagged Trinity Alps in the distance. The middle lake was […]
The Talon Grill was the site of the September meeting of the Knotty Ladies. Betty was our hostess. Dora will step down as treasurer by the end of the year and Maxine will take that office. Currently all bills have been paid and we are looking forward to supplementing our treasury by selling handmade items […]
Although I was not able to attend this outing, the group was in excellent hands with our August 2016 outing planner, Liz Crossman. Below is the report she provided after a fun outing. Thank you to Liz for planning this one and to Barbara Young for providing the great pictures. On August 2nd, twelve ladies […]