Victoria Brown

Current membership chair of the EPWC. I am a retired registered nurse. I am an avid cyclist, hiker and cross country skier. I am the current president of the Eagle Point Friends of the Library and the coordinator of the EPWC Culinary Arts group.

October Luncheon Features Amazing Member’s Market

By Victoria Brown | October 22, 2016

71 ladies, including 5 guests, filled the ballroom at Rogue Valley Country Club for a festive October luncheon. A Member's Market featuring 13 tables of handmade items, jewelry, books and other products kept the group busy doing both some looking and buying. Lots of talent and hard work was on display at many of the […]

Culinary Arts Group Savors Spanish Tapas

By Victoria Brown | October 22, 2016

A cool, rainy day was perfect for enjoying the warm, festive tastes of Spanish tapas at the October Culinary Arts luncheon. Viki Brown was hostess and was joined by 8 members who each prepared a selected recipe. The cookbook used for this event was "Tapas: The Little Plates of Spain" authored by Penelope Casas. Shrimp […]

August 2016 Luncheon Honors Activity Group Chairwomen

By Victoria Brown | August 21, 2016

We all beat the heat for a few hours at the August EPWC luncheon in the ballroom at Rogue Valley Country Club. The Board recognized the Activity Group Chairwomen who were present with some beautiful flowers and hearty applause. Each Activity Group was announced on a sign carried across the room by Annette Godfrey’s grandaughter, […]

July 2016 Culinary Arts Enjoys a Fine English Tea Party

By Victoria Brown | July 17, 2016

Twelve ladies donned their sun hats for a wonderful English Tea hosted by Joan Devlin at her home. Co-hostess was Viki Brown. It was a warm, sunny day which was perfect for gathering under picnic umbrellas to enjoy Joan’s beautiful garden and a variety of English treats. The tea consisted of three courses: appetizers, finger […]

Eagle Point Women’s Club BBQ 2016 a Roaring Success

By Victoria Brown | July 15, 2016

A group of nearly 90 EPWC members and their guests gathered in a group picnic area at Tou Velle State Park on Sunday, July 10, 2016 for great fun, food and company at the first annual EPWC BBQ. President Annette Godfrey did an outstanding job of planning festive table decorations, quirky name tags, fun games […]

Eagle Point Women’s Club 4th of July Float Wins Blue Ribbon

By Victoria Brown | July 12, 2016

Ladies and Gents, I did send all of you a notice that we did take a first place medal again this year. It is actually a medal like the Olympians wear, not a big blue ribbon. I want to thank each and every one of your for your support and effort to build EPWC's float. […]

The Eagle Point Women’s Club Board for 2015-2017.

By Victoria Brown | July 12, 2016

The members of the 2015-2017 Board from left to right: Linda O'Neal (Activity Chair), Ruth Hewitt (Luncheon Coordinator), Janie Monnette (Secretary), Maxine Williams (Past President), Renate Gyuro (Treasurer), Annette Godfrey (President), Viki Brown (Vice-President/Membership Chair) and Betsy Hase (Activity Coordinator).

June 2016 Luncheon Featured Zip, Dip and Sip

By Victoria Brown | July 5, 2016

A sunny June day welcomed a cheerful group of Eagle Point Women's Club members to the Rogue Valley Country Club for the June luncheon. Lots of opportunities to sign up for the many activities scheduled over the next few months were available and taken advantage of by many. The program for this month was planned […]

April, 2016 Luncheon Was a Fashion Hit

By Victoria Brown | April 26, 2016

The April EPWC luncheon had it all. We had four new members and three guests in attendance for a total of 80 women filling the elegant room with lively conversation. Lots of opportunity for members to sign up for the wide array of activities coming up in the next few months. The program for the […]

April 2016 Women’s Culinary Arts Group Event

By Victoria Brown | April 24, 2016

Eleven creative women gathered at the home of Viki Brown on April 14, 2016 to share incredible food and recipes for “Brunch- A New Look”. It was a blustery spring day but the table was set in a aqua blue Florida Keys theme and the warm food and company made for an enjoyable gathering. Each […]

January 2016 Culinary Arts- More Pictures

By Victoria Brown | January 16, 2016

A few more pictures to share from the January Culinary Arts luncheon.

January 2016 Culinary Arts Explores Cookbook Author Barbara Kafta

By Victoria Brown | January 16, 2016

Hostesses Sonya Andrews and Maxine Williams set beautiful tables and created hand-lettered signs for the wonderful dishes that 12 Culinary Arts group members prepared, discussed and enjoyed. All of the recipes utilized came from one of the many cookbooks authored by Barbara Kafta. The theme centered around hearty soups, but also included wonderful appetizers, salads, […]

Culinary Arts Group Takes a Taste Tour of Italy

By Victoria Brown | November 16, 2015

Eleven ladies prepared wonderful food from recipes in “The Italian Country Table” authored by Lynne Rosetto Kasper and gathered at the home of Viki Brown on Nov. 12, 2015 to taste and discuss the offerings. Betsy Hase served as co-hostess and Culinary Arts group coordinator, Carolyn Stieber led the discussion. From Signora Bimbi’s peppers to […]

October Luncheon Features Members Market

By Victoria Brown | October 31, 2015

75 women, including four new members and two guests, enjoyed the October luncheon at Rogue Valley Country Club on a beautiful autumn day. 9 EPWC members had tables displaying a variety of merchandise for sale including many beautiful hand-crafted items. There was plenty of time to look at all of the goodies and make some […]

Women’s Club Picnic 2015 Enjoyed By All

By Victoria Brown | September 7, 2015

52 Women’s Club members and their guests arrived at Rogue River Lodge on a beautiful summer afternoon to enjoy good food and company. Because of a possible threat of rain, the picnic was moved into the upstairs dining room but the outdoor patios were put to good use as we socialized before dinner. The buffet […]

Maxine Williams Places Plaque on Memorial Library Shelf

By Victoria Brown | August 13, 2015

In honor of her four years of outstanding service as President of the Eagle Point Women’s Club, Maxine Williams was presented with a memorial shelf at the Eagle Point Branch library. She selected a shelf in the children’s section containing books written by a few of her favorite authors to place the plaque bearing her […]

Eagle Point Women’s Club float in July 4th parade wins a BLUE RIBBON !!!!

By Victoria Brown | July 7, 2015

The 4th of July parade theme for this year was: “Family is Everything” and the EPWC portrayed the theme with the title: “Eagle Point Women’s Club is like family”. Four panels on two sides of the float depicted learning, working, playing and eating together which are all family activities and EPWC activities. Maxine Williams and […]

June Luncheon Marks Induction of Board for 2015-2017

By Victoria Brown | June 20, 2015

Over 60 women enjoyed a French-themed luncheon with table décor to match, had the opportunity to greet the new Club Board and to thank the outgoing Board members. The lunch buffet from chicken cordon bleu to fresh pear tart was both beautiful and scrumptious. Richard Gyuro entertained us with beautiful French melodies with his accordion. […]

Women’s Club Volunteers support Tour de Eagle Point bike ride

By Victoria Brown | June 14, 2015

EPWC members Joni Parsons and Wyn Lewis, staffed a food and water table at Lake Creek Country Store for the Tour de Eagle Point Bike Ride. Their friendly smiles and encouragement were appreciated by the riders.

Culinary Arts Group takes a taste tour of Germany

By Victoria Brown | June 11, 2015

How can you go wrong with a meal starting with German beer and assorted sausages and ending with Black Forest gateau, apple strudel and vanilla/lemon cream? Janice Kabel and Susan Orr hosted a German luncheon in Janice’s welcoming home and provided some first-hand history of German cuisine. Janice’s husband is German and some of the […]

Ladies Outings June 2015 Visits Prospect Hotel

By Victoria Brown | June 4, 2015

A happy group of 18 ladies enjoyed a beautiful drive up to Prospect for a yummy brunch at the historic Prospect Hotel and Restaurant. The meal included assorted beverages, fresh fruit bowl, “volcano” egg soufflé, home-friend potatoes and whole grain toast and jam. The group was also able to tour the 10 guest rooms and […]

April 2015 Luncheon Enjoyed by All

By Victoria Brown | April 16, 2015

Fifty Club members gathered at The Rogue valley Country Club for a Hawaiian-themed luncheon and another excellent program. Dyan Straughan, geneticist with the Animal Forensics Lab in Ashland, provided an interesting history on the formation of the lab followed by a description and pictures of the diverse “detective” work performed there. The lab in Ashland […]

April, 2015 Culinary Group takes a taste tour of China

By Victoria Brown | April 11, 2015

Carolyn Stieber hosted a group of 11 talented cooks for the April Culinary Group meeting. The cookbook selection for the month was: “A Culinary Journey Through China” authored by celebrity chef, Martin Yan. Select recipes from the book ranging from appetizers to dessert were prepared by the group and enjoyed in staged courses. Each member […]

December 2014 Luncheon

By Victoria Brown | December 27, 2014

The holiday spirit was warm and wonderful at the December Women’s Club Luncheon. Fresh greenery wreaths and candles decorated the tables and a glowing Christmas tree provided a perfect backdrop for great group pictures. EPWC member and pianist, Dora Moore, provided an excellent program of piano Christmas carols that we all sang along with. A […]

October 2014 Women’s Club Luncheon

By Victoria Brown | October 19, 2014

Spooktacular decorations crafted by Annette Godfrey, luncheon coordinator, and her helpers and a wonderful autumn menu were among the many highlights of the October 2014 Women’s Club luncheon at the Rogue Valley Country Club. Six new members and three guests were among the 70 women who enjoyed the program, companionship, activity sign-ups and lunch. Dirk […]

June Luncheon was enjoyed by all

By Victoria Brown | June 25, 2014

Tables decorated in a patriotic theme, an outstanding program and enjoyable food made the June luncheon a pleasure for all who attended.

2014 Culinary Group Planning Meeting

By Victoria Brown | June 25, 2014

Carolyn Stieber hosted a planning meeting at her home to outline a schedule of selected cookbooks that will be reviewed and menu items chosen from for upcoming Culinary Arts gatherings. So many choices.

April Luncheon at Rogue Valley Country Club Enjoyed by All

By Victoria Brown | April 18, 2014

A Mexican-themed buffet and table decorations made for a festive spring luncheon. A fascinating program on the development of railroads in southern Oregon was presented by local historian Roger Mullaly. A large number of members and guests were in attendance to share in this enjoyable event.

A beautiful plate of sushi created by Culinary Arts group members at 4/10/2014 event.

By Victoria Brown | April 17, 2014

The finished product at our sushi making educational activity. Beautiful and very yummy.

Photos of the Culinary Arts event of 4/10/2014.

By Victoria Brown | April 17, 2014

Fun, educational and tasty event hosted by Betsy Hase and Sue Tschol.